Thursday, October 26, 2023
I want to challenge a notion that has long been held in high regard: personal development. It's a concept we encounter frequently, often touted as the solution to our workaholic tendencies and the key to achieving balanced growth in our businesses. But is it really the panacea we've been led to believe?
As I explore this topic in my book, "Achieving Balance," I'd like to delve into what I refer to as myth number three: the idea that personal development is the ultimate remedy for those caught in the relentless cycle of work without achieving the desired balance.
My journey began with coaching individuals who were avidly consuming materials from renowned authors like Joe Vitale, Dale Carnegie, Earl Nightingale, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, and many others. These materials all had one common focus—self-improvement. While these resources undoubtedly offered valuable insights, I couldn't help but notice a recurring pattern.
Individuals who kept returning for additional guidance, especially during challenging periods, often found themselves struggling to attain genuine success. A pattern emerged, revealing that many of these individuals also grappled with strained or non-existent relationships with their spouses.
This observation led me to explore the origins of this issue further. Simultaneously, my final psychology class introduced me to the intriguing concept of motivation and goal pursuit. My exploration eventually led me to a 2010 study known as the "Revised Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Study."
While most of us are familiar with Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, this study cast doubt on the validity of his theory. The traditional pyramid, with self-actualization at its peak, was called into question by the revised pyramid. Surprisingly, this revised model placed parenting at the pinnacle.
Developed by evolutionary and human developmental psychologists, this theory identified parenting as the paramount motivation in life for the majority of people. Following closely were mate retention and mate acquisition, focusing on marriage and family dynamics.
Regardless of political views or opinions on family structures, parenting and marriage emerged as the primary motivators for most Americans. It became clear that the traditional paradigm of personal development, rooted in Maslow's self-centric model, required a fresh perspective.
The revised pyramid shifted our focus towards the significance of family and relationships. While personal development undoubtedly has its merits, it should serve as just the beginning of a transformative journey. Self-improvement, honing talents, refining abilities, and mastering time management are all essential components. However, they alone are insufficient to liberate oneself from the clutches of the workaholic trap or to achieve the coveted balance in business growth.
Success in this endeavor often hinges on the presence of robust support systems, both within families and through spouses. I propose the idea of holding weekly family councils, a platform for open discussions on schedules, shared goals, and ways family members can support one another.
In the context of marriages, the significance of having your spouse as your number one supporter cannot be overstated. Shared values and goals, cultivated through mutual support, form the bedrock of long-term happiness and balance.
In conclusion, personal development is undoubtedly a valuable starting point, but it's essential to recognize that its true potential is unlocked when intertwined with the power of relationships, especially within families and marriages. Achieving balance and sustained growth in business is not a solitary endeavor; it thrives when nourished by the bonds we share with those around us. Let us remember that success is not merely about self-actualization but the realization of our shared aspirations within the tapestry of our lives.
Live Life on Purpose,
Dr. Travis G. Parry
CEO Of Make Time Institute
This Vlog is designed to give you valuable information to help you become a Balanced Dad. Watch, Read, Listen to the content and enjoy the experience!
We are excited to bring this book to Balanced Dads who want to grow their business while keeping their balance.
The idea that you can't grow a business while you focus on balance is a total myth and is creating workaholics by the thousands!
This book will give you steps to creating a business you can be proud of while improving every aspect of life!